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Thread: Sparky Stats

  1. #1

    Sparky Stats

    Started to look at the stats for Sparky Slider.

    Interesting, of all the referrals from Google, the most common phrase searched for is 'kungfoobob', and he doesn't even post here!

    Apart form the it's all C90 stuff.

    40,000 sessions / month is not too bad either,

  2. Cool.

    If ya want i'll advertise the site within TVP stations Slopp...

  3. #3
    Wicked, would be nice to drum up a bit more interest, other than the regulars from ND.

  4. #4


    Sessions for Sept.
    Last edited by S1OPP; 22-11-2008 at 22:32.

  5. I have no idea what all this means!!!

    But YAY!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    In a house, a very small house in the country.
    I can stick a link on my site when I next update (this is a bit of a slow process at the mo as I'm trying to retrieve lost data from old pc).


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