the police should only pull people if they has good reason to , not cause they feel like it . i was doining nothing wrong at all . my bike my visor is perfectly road leagle and i was not speeding , the officer was not told to pull me over it was his CHOICE TOO .

as far a complaing whats point ? i have no faith anymore in them they seem to think they can do as they want . just listern to mr Brustone , if he was the best man for the job , what are the rest like ?

as far as locals complaing you will allways get one who dose whastever you do and its easier to chace someone with a number plate on there bike

as far as stupid speeds and stunts why dont you just target them ? not everyone.

why am i bothered about been pulled if i am legal ? because this is NOT a ploice state and suposedly a free country