asked the director how he decided which patient should be kept in.

The director said:"We fill up the bath, then offer the patient a teaspoon, teacup or a bucket and ask them to empty the bathtub".

The visitor said:" Oh, i see. a normal person would choose the bucket, because it's bigger"

the director said "No, a normal person would pull the fucking plug out.
Would you like a bed near the window?"

Sorry Ive not been in touch Ive been in a Strawberry crushing contest the South of France.

I came second, a women with no legs won it, Jammy Cunt

20 stone women getting ready for a fancy dress party, Say's to Hubby!

"Ive nothing to wear"

he Say's "pull your piss flaps over your head and go as a sugar puff"!

Why do women love to suck circumcised cocks?

Because the can't fucking resist anything with 10% off!