Hey Dodgy what are you trying to say? Hmmm....?
Everyone knows that you're the King of Porno.
Hey Dodgy what are you trying to say? Hmmm....?
Everyone knows that you're the King of Porno.
I want a new helmet.
But I like my old helmet.
So I'm going to get a new one and have it painted to look like my old one.
and that's it really.
I've never understood this urge to have custom-painted helmets.
Especially as most of them are so crap - no offence, Jeff.
To me, a helmet was just something to help save my life.
Which one did.
An Arai, of course.
my first nitro helmet cost 3s/6d and saved my head from a mashing too. So i bought another one.
its been so long since i've worn it, i'm not actually sure where it actually is...
Shut up.
you're in love with my helmet aren't you...?
Shut up.