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Thread: Morning

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  1. Lets call everyone Oo wwees on here then!

    Hopey you oowee

  2. #2
    ha ha ha ha

  3. How many infractions can you give one divisive cunt, I mean person

    Comments on this post
    doyley disagrees: You have to learn sparky's yet jocky mcjock!

  4. #4
    You can give one infraction per post.

    Once they get enough points, it's a temporary ban.

    Comments on this post
    doyley disagrees: Dont' you dare you scottish toss ferret!

  5. Ooops i meant to right that on hopey's thread!

    Anyone know one of them admin types to get slopps disagree moved!

  6. #6
    Not sure I can do anything about that, but I know what you mean!

  7. What's the difference between a disagree using the scale thingy and an infraction?


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