's Auntie Drac who decides. She'll be on later no doubt and usher you in.'s Auntie Drac who decides. She'll be on later no doubt and usher you in.
Archie - sounds good!
btw - I've got some tickets to a party in Brom (I cant make it) - some bikey type do with a bunch of journo types - free to a good home! (the tickets not the journos). Its the TWO party if anyones interested? press night of the NEC bike show. pm if you're interested.
gotta dash - ttfn!
Narna, about you being gay....
I'm in urgent need of buttering Keith up and I don't think my charms are working!
You have access to ND on the proviso you sweet talk Keeef.
Auntie Drac
I've not profaned at all.... yet.
Hey...get over to the other side!
welcome narna!
Drac - crikey thats the deep end innit! I'm still kinda "new" to this.
Del, Keef. hello chaps.
You're not used to this buttering people up lark, are you?
not with real butter no.
I'm sure I can find someone for you to practice on.