There is £152.00 outstanding from the following people for calendars ordered but not paid for as at 31 January 2008:
Ron Isaac........36.00
Joe Crowe........60.00
Derek Ingram....12.00
Neill Hope.........24.00
Chris Doyle.......20.00
I will be closing the ND bank account and forwarding the final cheque on to The Fragile X Society within the next week. When I receive their reply, I'll scan it in and post it up here.
To those people listed above, if you don't manage to pay your money in before I close the account, you'll have to make your own arrangements for getting the money to The Fragile X Society. Cheques should be made out to The Fragile X Society and posted to:
F.A.O Amanda Cherry
The Fragile X Society
Rood End House
6 Stortford Road
Great Dunmow
Finally, a big thank you to everyone who has been involved with the NDC90 Endurance Championship 2007... You should all be very proud!