George is a handsom devil, He's currently laying at my feet keeping them warm, George is a springer spaniel belonging to my wifes boss. They've gone on holiday for 2 weeks so he's staying with us for a few days, He's been left behind & they've taken the new dog with them, George isn't getting on that well with the puppy (cocker spaniel) she doesn't give him any peace so he's lapping up the attention & peace & quiet.

PROBLEM ! I could get very attached to George cos he's such a good dog & VERY affectionate, He's craving 1 to 1 attention. A grooming session earlier turned into a cuddles session.

One thing I haven't missed after losing Blue last May is --- DOG FARTS !
AND he snores like a twat ! That may be because he's a bit overweight he gets spoilt rotten by the ladies at the care home where Nina works, They leave him there often, He had sausage & mash last night ffs ! Boogars asleep under the pooter table twitching & snoring probably dreaming about the walk he had in Tehidy woods this AM, Came home lagged in mud & a laugh on his mush ! Had to hose him down in the back yard & he loved it !

YEP ! Heart strings are twanging !!