grumble...grumble...bitch bitch bitch....

well that about sums up my atitude lately.

About 3 weeks day before i got on a plane for Texas (i hate texas, almost as much as i hate Turkey) a taxi driver was following me home from the store where i had purchased some dog food for my lovely poochies and some provisions for a mate of mine who was going to look after the freindly canines while i was sweating in Texas.

All went well, untill i went to unlock the door and heard my precious CBR 600 hit the floor of the garage! The twat had reversed so far up my drive that he backed into the opening of the car-port/garage and hit my bike on the exhaust knocking it forward off the sidestand. It hit the concrete so hard it cracked the alternator cover and started bleeding oil!

Now 3 weeks later I finally got some good news from the insurance company...after arguing with them for an entire week! The checks in the mail...i wont hold my breath but at least it is on its way.

one good thing, my missus is in England visitin her family so I get to work on the Bike in the air conditioned house watching football!

<note the moggy on guard duty...poxy dogs are asleep in the bedroom> ...hmm possibly not...evidently this message board is smarter than I am...i uploaded the picture and now cant find it, hopefully it will be there when it is done <grin>