deed!!.. there is a stupid one.... they truly do go hand in hand...

my son comes home with mate & a new X-box 360 (traded his Wii in for it ?) all done before i come home from work.. no problem it's his stuff..

well within 10 minutes he comes downstears.... "Dad" we need a long ethernet cable..... well after a very short convo.... on the lines of.. "No I'm Not Drilling holes in the wall & celling"... i get the "kevin & perry" attitude..
he buggers off back upstairs.. i have a look on the net for a X-box wireless adapter...Hells bells £60... so i go upstairs to tell him that i will try and get him one cheaper if i can... now comes the "clever & stupid bit"..

the clever bit.. he's only got the X-box plugged into his laptop via the standard ethernet cable.. going to try and piggy back a connection to the net though his laptop...

now the dopey bit... I've spent some time on getting a secured Internet connection... passwords etc!!.. and he's sat there with his mate typing in said
passwords etc!!.... Ha Ha Ha.. priceless!!

Ho!! BTW.. it doesn't work wouldn't let him connect via the laptop