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The Irish Tales

Second Life (18)

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Second Life (18)

As I write this, my hands are shaking, my heart is pounding somewhat erratically and I have a tremendous urge to bite every one of my fingernails down to the bloody bone.
I doubt if I will get much sleep tonight and I may not even bother to go to bed.
Nope, it isn’t alcohol. It isn’t drugs. And I am entirely disinterested in the result of my latest MRI scan.
It’s simply that tomorrow is Gold Cup day at Cheltenham.
Just typing that sentence sends a shiver down my spine and sets my scalp a-tingling.
For longer than I care to calculate, this time of the year, this month, this week and 3.20pm tomorrow afternoon have had a similar effect on me.
But this year is especially significant.
For tomorrow, a horse called Kauto Star bids to join the elite band of steeplechasers who have won this race three times.
And a very exclusive band it is too ; only Golden Miller, Arkle and Best Mate have done this since Red Splash won the inaugural race in 1924.
Kauto Star already has his place in Gold Cup history by virtue of being the first horse to reclaim his crown, having won in 2007, being beaten in 2008, then winning it again in 2009.
Not mention four King George’s at Kempton Park.
Now, if you ain’t a racing fan, none of this will mean much to you, I’d guess.
And even if are, you may possibly think I’m getting a little over-excited here.
I wouldn’t argue with you.
Ever since I fell off my first horse, I have been in love with jump racing, for a million different reasons.
The sheer beauty and power of the horses, the seemingly indestructible jocks, the love for their darlings which is so clearly written over the face of every owner, the horses, the horses, the horses………..
Some stand out for their speed, some for their jumping, some for their incredible courage and stamina.
And a very few for the way they combine all of these things – and something more.
Something indefinable, something which stops your heart, then sets it beating out of control.
Something which sends the blood coursing through your veins and leaves you incoherent with sheer joy at what you’ve witnessed.
Something which, for a man of my age and appetites, can easily leave me on a drip, on a stretcher, in A&E.
Aye…..Golden Miller, Arkle, Best Mate and……….
I won’t be having a penny on Kauto Star tomorrow.
But I’ll be betting my life on him.

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Updated 18-03-2010 at 22:23 by S1OPP

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  1. Archangel's Avatar
    Aye, well. The best horse on the day won it fair and square.

    Poor Kauto Star was never going well and fell at the fourth last.

    Thankfully, he's fine.

    A funny old game, horseracing.