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Let It Snow...

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Finally, the south gets something resembling some decent snow. Yes, I know we had some just before Christmas, but that wasn't a lot (although driving home from Bournemouth in a blizzard in a Transit hi-top with one headlight out wasn't fun...)

This time though, it's different. Proper big snowflakes and everything. So far there's just over 6 inches outside, with the promise of more overnight and during the day tomorrow.

It might be selfish, what with the disruption that is likely to be caused; but in the current doom and gloom climate, it is nice to be able to revert back to being a kid for an hour or so and go out to join in a big neighbourhood snowball fight.

The crisp crunch of freshly fallen snow underfoot, the whoosh of a snowball whistling past one's head, people laughing and generally having fun without a care in the world - all their problems forgotten for one short moment in time. BRILLIANT!

Bring on tomorrow. I for one can hardly wait!

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  1. Woods's Avatar
    Get yer sledge out!