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Happy New Year? My arse!

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The first day back at work after the break for Christmas, as if the misery of returning to the 9-5 (or 8-4:30 in my case) wasn't enough, everyone insists on their first words to me being 'Happy New Year'. I mumble back "same to you" before going on with the original question I was about to ask.

I am still trying to figure out why I find this so annoying! Is it because, afterall, today is just another day? Is it because I don't understand the hype of the diets and resolutions, none of which will stick (if you have to wait for a New Year as an excuse then you are lacking in commitment from the off)? Or is it, as I strongly suspect, simply that I am becoming a miserable bastard in my old age?

I'll now count the hours down until I get to go home to see Helen and Oliver, before having to dash out for my first training session of the New Year. Running round a cold church hall in this weather? Yippeeeee!

On the plus side I managed to only put on 4lb over Christmas so my work trousers still fit (it was going to be touch and go!) and Helen actually managed to lose some weight!!!!!

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  1. KungFooBob's Avatar
    I am becoming a miserable bastard in my old age?

  2. roadnut's Avatar
    Yes, you are becoming a miserable bastard in your old age.

    Also, what's with running round the church hall - won't they let you in?
  3. Archangel's Avatar
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a miserable old bastard.

    The world would go to hell in a handcart without us.
  4. roadnut's Avatar
    I concur
  5. Dizzy's Avatar
    Eeny agrees, he takes great pleasure in telling me he's going to get more miserable and more like his Dad as the years pass! He also says I'll cope with it as he has other attributes that make up for it :/