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View Full Version : Bloody people

12-02-2007, 14:07
The blokes who built TPK 2 for us last year, have thrown all their toys out of the pram about summat and i've fell out with them.

It's all very childish and the upshot of it is that they reckon they wanna be like me, "just rip people off and do fuck all, all day" Know these guys have doen a lot for me, so i didn;t go steaming round there and demand an explnantion, BUT thats a bit cheeky to be tellin other people how i set up holding companies and then just bust smaller companies and fuck people over innit?

Anyhoo, long and short of it is, they said this to Graham the mechanic, who told me, they also said it not quietly to several people in the pub, which would be bad if James brothers hadn't been stood behind them.

Just a little summat to read while ND is bored.

Or shall i just go round there and see what they've got to say to me!

12-02-2007, 14:09
I'd put money on them not saying a word to your face.

Jealous innit.

12-02-2007, 14:13
Wierd though innit?

I mean all my life i've had people tell me that so and so, said, this, or that.

But usually they're people who have good reason to dislike me, but Kev and Mark have always been alright or so i thought.

Gotta admit it wound me up a little!

12-02-2007, 14:14
Oh and er, James's brother stopped him dead in his tracks in the pub, and told him what he'd do if he heard sayin things like that again!

Gossip is gossip and people will always believe what they want to believe, so it don't really bother me!

12-02-2007, 14:15
Thing is they see your company changing and they get jealous, thinking it's all just landed in your lap, without thinking that you had to work hard to get it and have to work hard to keep it.

It's what Sun readers think like.

12-02-2007, 14:18
Son...this the two guys I met ?

What the fuck's got into them ?

Want me to drive up and point my finger at them and say, " Now. You've been told ?"

12-02-2007, 14:21
Thats them Dad yea!

But do people actually think that all this just happens on it's own?

I gotta say i was suprised when i heard about it, but it was Paul Taroni that told me, then graham mentioned it this morning!

I tried really hard to get them work gave them work for us etc, they have no reason to dislike me!

12-02-2007, 14:23
They think just like that.

Some people believe that the only way to be rich is put £5 a week on the lottery.

12-02-2007, 14:32
Bloody poor people, they should all be shot or something, but certainly never given the chance to work for themselves!

12-02-2007, 14:35
Hang on...they're quite useful as fuel in winter, son.

I stack them up out back lob one on the fire now and then.