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View Full Version : Site Update

12-02-2007, 12:44
There's a software update to do on Sparky Slider.

Which according to the developers is a simple enough update to do however, these things are never as straight forward as they claim.

A lot of the customisations, plugins, hacks and add-ons will have to be done again from scratch. So I was thinking, is there anything else you would like to see here at Sparkys? or something already here that needs changing?

That way I can get it all done together and not lose too much of my life coding.

Well? Speak up, I can't hear you.

12-02-2007, 13:02
Is there any way of having bookmarks like on ND?

12-02-2007, 13:09
I'll look into bookmarks.

Did you know you can skip to the first unread post on a thread? There's a little http://www.sparkyslider.co.uk/forum/red2black/buttons/firstnew.gif icon.

I use that a lot, but don't know if everybody else has noticed it.

12-02-2007, 13:59
Pah i noticed that years ago!

You lot are so non geeky!

Personally i would like a differant colour black is to dull, bright purple would be shite also.

I'm happy enough to think of problems, but crap at thinkin of ways to make then better

12-02-2007, 14:05
Dolly, there's two different colour schemes you can choose from.

Right down at the bottom of the page, red2black and red2white.

I can make it any colour you want.

12-02-2007, 14:37
The first unread post icon doesn't appear on all the topic lists though - e.g. on the home page.

And the thing where you can't add to someone's reputation twice in a row - can you change that?

12-02-2007, 14:43
The reputation system is already set to the lowest, so you can't just keep agreeing with the same person aver and over.

I'll see if it's any different in the new version.

and I'll look for some bookmarks.

24-02-2007, 18:48
I've changed the limits on the reputation system, so you should be able to click on the same person twice now.

Still working on the bookmarks thing.

24-02-2007, 21:01

Just for you, until I can get bookmarks working, I've changed the icon on the main page to go to the first unread post, instead of the last post.
