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04-12-2006, 22:01
Hi s1opp.. have had a chat with chaz on ND about mods to the front end on a C90 he told me that a CB100 bolts straight on... but said i should ask you which are best, he thinks it's the disc brake ones.... or welled a different headstock onto the C90 frame.....so what would you sedgiest... what have you found that works.... could you give me some tips ?

would appreciate your help in this matter..

von..(team camaltoe mcn)

PS..took your advice we got a 12v cub.... thanks

04-12-2006, 22:29
Don't get too worried abou a disc brake. A drum will do you just as good.

We have one bike with a disc and one with a drum, and there's not much in it.

Anyway, Forks.

The forks off a CB100 will fit straight on with no mods. Problem you'll have is getting a MX tyre for the front wheel (can't remember the size, but we struggled.) Choice is to fit the C90 wheel to the CB fork, but you'll have to do some welding to make the brake work, and fabricate a spindle. OR, take the wheel to a wheel builder and get a C90 17" rim put on it.

Or, if you look hard enough you can find other bikes that fit, I used a SL125 of eBay (as scrap) and the whole front end bolted straight on.

The forks off things like a XL125 /185 should fit too.

But you may have to shorten the steering tube.

Forks of proper motox bikes can be made to fit, but they varied so much from year to year it's har to be specific, if your thinking of buying any, I'd take the measurements from the C90 along to check against.

Failing that you can always either modify the triple clamps, or weld the entire headstock to the C90 frame. The triple clamps job is a little more skillful but less likely to fall apart.

If you do a search for the purple helmets, they have a forum, and there's always lots of questions about forks on there (I think they used KX forks), it's worh a look.

05-12-2006, 06:52
OK s1oop...thanks for your advice and tips....spanner time :)

11-12-2006, 19:41
Hi s1opp I'm back..

could you tell me whether its best to stick with standard air box or not ?
only akey was thinking of fitting a K&N filter... but I've suggested to stick with the standard one...as it would act like a snorkel and keep water/crap/mud out....what do you recomend ?


von.. team CTR.

11-12-2006, 21:13
To be honest, there's not much of an advantage using a K&N.

It will get clogged up quickly if it's muddy and doesn't really stop the water getting in if there are puddles on the track.

You're right, the original air box will act as a snorkle and it is possible to modify the filter inside the airbox to flow better. The airbox itself only has four tiny holes to let the air in, so modify that to let more air through but keep the water and dirt out.

12-12-2006, 08:55
thanks s1opp... have passed on your advice to akey...we'll stick with the standard air box and mod that.

nice one s1opp :D

30-12-2006, 17:35
Quick question from another spanner monkey at team CTR.

Can we cut down the leg guards as the top yoke we have put on is fouling on them, I would like to cut them down to below the bottem yoke if possible.



30-12-2006, 17:50
Cutting the leg guards down isn't a problem.

Have a look in the galleries you'll see that most team have had to.

As long as they still 'Look' like C90 leg guards you'll be ok.


30-12-2006, 17:54
Magic, thanks for the quick reply, guess its hacksaw time then!

04-01-2007, 22:08
I've been unable to post on here over crimbo

04-01-2007, 22:11
Test received and noted.

Sloppy had you down as an illegal alien...

04-01-2007, 22:23
Happy new year s1oop et all,
re front end.. you were right about 18" wheel
can't get tyres for that.. so we are using the 17" one off the C90, ok have had a spindle made at work to fit the fork legs and C90 hub.. now the tricky bit we are planning to use the lug at the base of the fork leg (the one that holds the mudguard hanger in place).. plan 1, bolt a 12mm block to it.. or plan 2,weled a alloy lug to it... each will fit into the 12mm slot on the hub.. witch way would be the best... or what did you find that worked best..

thanks von..

04-01-2007, 22:25
Test received and noted.

Sloppy had you down as an illegal alien...

lol. was the site down as i cuold not post ?

BTW happy new year archie.:)

05-01-2007, 13:28
yep that worked mate

05-01-2007, 15:33

Same to you, old thing.

Site wasn't down here, far as I know.

05-01-2007, 19:14
plan 1, bolt a 12mm block to it.. or plan 2,weled a alloy lug to it... each will fit into the 12mm slot on the hub.. witch way would be the best... or what did you find that worked best.

Thought about the bolt, but wasn;t sure it would be strong enough and didn't want to break anything trying.

If memory serves me the Team Triumph bike from 2005 had an alloy block welded to the fork leg itself. This slotted into the channel on the brake drum and worked a treat.

Well it worked better then their engine anyway.

I'm not a good enough welder to do it myself, so we found another solution for the TRB bike. Find a local wheel builder and get the C90 rim fitted to the CB100 hub, same number of spokes. It cost us £45 and means we have a disc brake on the front.

05-01-2007, 19:14
oh yeah, HNY!

05-01-2007, 21:51
thanks s1oop,
yer was going to go that wrought...swap rims and use Cb100 hub
but found that the front brake calliper was totally shot and no reservoir & leaver in box of bits.... but will save front wheel / disc / spindle...off CB100 just in case the welding job to the forks is to difficult to do by our engineers at work.. any ho thanks for your input to the problem, i'm sure the bike will start to take shape soon..

akey as striped the wiring harness down.. think we are left with 5 wires, he also took the battery off...and the bike ran.. is that OK or will it burn something out ?

thanks again von..

06-01-2007, 16:39
HNY and welcome aboard :-)
S1opp do you think i should change my fur?
was thinking of doing somthing different.

07-01-2007, 23:36
re: Wiring.

It's quite simplte to strip all of the crap out of the loom and be left with only a few wires.

The battery is/was only used in the lighting circuit, so it'll run without it.

If you've got it running then the jobs done. I have a wiring diagram of just the bits you really need, but it sounds like you've already got there.

re: fur.

Keep the fur (might need a sponge down though :) )

07-01-2007, 23:38

Stephen...that was gross....

Dodgy sat on that bike.

08-01-2007, 09:33
GPWN, Might need a Napalm Sponge!

09-01-2007, 19:42
Hi s1oop work done..... ready for test fingers crossed

ok good call s1oop removed photo

09-01-2007, 20:12
That looks like it's had a proper job done on it.

Only one problem I can see from that photo - far too clean and shiney!
That'll soon change!!

09-01-2007, 20:42
s1oop... i truly hope that it doe's get dirty and muddy and also covers many laps.........:)

10-01-2007, 00:32
Did you notice you've got your team name above your avatar.

I saw that you'd applied to join, so did Ti's job and approved it.

You should be able to see your team's forum now too.

Better to keep the photos of your shiny bike in there, out of sight!

10-01-2007, 06:31
morning s1oop

so it is...and i see you have... thanks for that I'll nip in and give it a go :)

I'm not activated to post on it yet.... still good job though

10-01-2007, 09:16
You should be able to post now, My bad!

10-01-2007, 09:40
ta s1oop

12-01-2007, 23:10
thank god Akey didn't go to town on that exhaust! ;)

14-01-2007, 15:26
he deadly with that angle grinder........:eek:

26-01-2007, 18:31
re tyres.. as tiamo is unable to get on here.... he as asked me to ask you...hold on copy & paste time....

"Von - as i can't get on the sliders forum (as laptop at home won't connet) could you ask S1OPPs how much they pay & if they have a contact?"

might be worth them getting an 'official' series tyre supplier!

we have been quoted £50 each tyer & tube fitted... do you get them cheaper ?

26-01-2007, 19:57
You my friend are being ripped off.

I paid I think it was £10 quid a tyre and £5 a tube, I will pop in to my man over the weekend and let you know.

26-01-2007, 20:16
thanks mate... will tell akey to hold on till you can get back to us...

mucho appreciated frend....:)

26-01-2007, 20:17
Sorry guys,

I get my tyres off a friend. His son races MX and the tyres we use have done 1 session and were heading for the skip. I'll see if I can beg some more.

Just one word of warning, I bought some inner tubes off fleabay, which seemed like a bargain, but every one of them ripped the valve out after a few laps. I noticed a few people suffering the same.

A few pence saved on inner tubes could cost you a lot of time in the pits.

In all honesty I think £50 per wheel is taking the p*ss.

26-01-2007, 20:28
s1oop, but £50 ouch!!!

26-01-2007, 21:30
I'll see what I can do, no promises though.

I can get as many 'normal' MX tyres as you need, but the 17" tyres for a C90 wheel are a little bit harder to get.

Fitting it easy, as long as you have two screwdrivers!

26-01-2007, 21:56
all help appreciated..... I'm now confused ? akey has posted on MCN that the tyre size is 90/100/16.... I'm sure that the C90 wheel is a 17" well the front one i have here is... 2.50 x 17" is the rear a different size ?

26-01-2007, 22:30
Just checked my C90, the MX tyre on it is a 70/100-17

Pretty sure the standard C90 front and rear wheels are the same size. Can't say for definite as my C90 has a different front end, but I'm confident enough to put money on it.

26-01-2007, 22:44
just popped out to shed and checked standard front wheel 17" will ask akey tomorrow about the rear... i hope the two wheel's he got are C90 one's, there is the odd fecker out there :(

27-01-2007, 06:50
Yep its a 17" wheel I'm just a biff!! cheers guys I will hold off buying any tyres then.

30-01-2007, 07:02
is it best to get full on MX tyres or half and half ?.. what have you fond that works best......

s1oop / chaz....


30-01-2007, 07:33
All 3 rounds will be off road.

The only difference in the surface will be down to the weather.

If it's sunny and dry the ground will be hard to begin with but it does cut up. If it's raining it will be a mud bath.

TRB's bikes have full MX tyres on, but some of the teams go with less extreme tyres. It seems to only make a real difference in the mud.

30-01-2007, 08:38
as we are in england.... think MX would do us best :)