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View Full Version : Sparky Slider HACKED

06-09-2006, 08:10
At some time, late yesterday, this site was hacked.

Not sure who by, or why.

There was no real damage done and I quickly returned the site to normal service. Thanks to everybody that alerted me to it.

Trouble is, while the fake page was in place I don't know what damage may have been done.

I'd highly recommend that if you visited this site and loaded the fake page, you should perform full anti virus and anti spyware scans to be safe.

(KFB recommends Spybot Seek&Destroy - Google it)

Gwydion Forge
07-09-2006, 11:23
That sux, i dont understand why some twats get their jollies out of screwing up other peoples stuff.


07-09-2006, 14:40
Not sure what they were up to.

TBH, we were lucky, they could've done a lot more damage that they did.

I'll have to have a look at making the site a lot more secure.

Hope it didn't cause too much trouble for anybody.

15-09-2006, 19:25
slopp this prolly means nothing, but hey have mentioned FLASH CHAT as being an issue:


15-09-2006, 19:37
Cheers, I'll look into it.