View Full Version : National Bike Week

16-07-2007, 07:30
Read that this week is National Bike Week, with Wednesday set as National Ride to Work day so hope to see everyone out on their bikes in the rain! :p

16-07-2007, 07:47
Wednesday will be a good day... no rain :)

but i still will have to walk to work.. only round the corner see + not insured for commuting to work...

16-07-2007, 19:59
Not worth me riding there either... only takes me 20 mins to walk !

17-07-2007, 09:40
Sell outs!

I'll be biking it!

Unless it rains.;)

17-07-2007, 21:15
nice one woods..

you'll be taking the car then ;)

17-07-2007, 21:18
I'll pretend i'm riding my bike as I walk down the road !!!

17-07-2007, 21:41
i could crack the C90 up at work..

but the last time i did the gaffer came into the wearhouse un had a good whiff of the castrol R40... he knew I'd been up to something but couldnt quite put his finger on it.. :)

even the engineers kept coming in to sniff the lovely aroma..

that stuff will attract a petrol head for a mile :)

17-07-2007, 21:46
Go for it Von... it is Ride your Bike to work day after all !!!

18-07-2007, 07:35
Couldn't today as the car needs fixing and is booked in. May ride tomorrow to make up for it. :)

18-07-2007, 08:04
Sod the bike - rain forecast for today. I'm staying dry thank you very much.

18-07-2007, 19:22
But it didn't rain here !!!