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View Full Version : 6 Points and £300 fine

04-07-2007, 12:09
I know I don't post her much but some of you may know that i was in court yesterday. 6 points and a big fine. Still on the road but I can now sell both bikes with 3, 4, 5, 6th gears as unused, if i'm going to stick to the speed limit. How did Von get on with his case.

04-07-2007, 13:03
Not sure that Von has heard anything yet.

6pts and £300 should keep you below the limit for a while. But at least you're still on the road.!

04-07-2007, 14:09
What S1oppy said

04-07-2007, 19:13
Sloppys correct, Von is still waiting to hear.

04-07-2007, 19:48
Hells Bells norfolk !!

that is harsh.. But better than a Ban!!.. and no not heard as yet!!.. but if Kam's case is anything to go by... I'll probably hear next month... He had a pull in March and received his summons last saturday 30th June.. so am expecting mine some time in August.. :(

04-07-2007, 20:46
They do seem to like to keep you stewing :(

04-07-2007, 21:36
They do seem to like to keep you stewing :(

STEWING!!!!! Kam gorra tug a month before me.... and Norfolk got one a month after... and both of them get same court date 3 July... must be a back log in April's convictions :(

04-07-2007, 21:42
STEWING!!!!! Kam gorra tug a month before me.... and Norfolk got one a month after... and both of them get same court date 3 July... must be a back log in April's convictions :(

Awwwwww :(

04-07-2007, 22:17
well if the leic's plod did it to calm me down... well it worked... but it's gunner be another long 3 months for me :(

05-07-2007, 10:15
Sh!t von m8 they really are making you dangle there. Guess Bicester magistrates ain't as busy as some.