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View Full Version : Bloody weather....

25-06-2007, 17:19
it's been pissing it down all blinking day.... I've been WET all day..

on a up note found this little bugger sheltering from the rain...

clever mite.. it's OK it's mum & dad are with it now!!


25-06-2007, 18:45
Awww bless it....

Its a good job you have the bird house.

I spent 5 hours trying to get my raffle prize for round 2 done... it started raining again just as i finished, so i have not been out all day :(

25-06-2007, 19:27
Don't feel bad at not going out... wish I'd have stayed home today..

it truly is pants out :(

raffle prize !! you say... yes must sort something out for round two.. :)

25-06-2007, 19:38
I know, realy pants, its still raining now... it had best stop by tomorrow, i am supposed to be going to Kent for a few days !

25-06-2007, 20:07
Ho Boy!!

it's not a good time to travel Mand... but if you have set plans for this journey... go steady!!

the weather as taken it's toll this week !!

must be the worst June ever... and it don't look like it's going to give up yet :mad:

just take it easy if you do go..

25-06-2007, 20:12
Thanks, i will do.

I was going to go today, but decided against it..... i think it would have been ok as it was mainly dry further south.

25-06-2007, 20:20
Here.. click on play...

should give you a idea whats install for us this week..


25-06-2007, 20:26
Sounds a bit better than at the moment !

25-06-2007, 20:43
yes looks like KENT is nice at the mo.. but will get rain by Thursday & Friday :(

25-06-2007, 20:47
In that case had best go to the seaside on Wednesday then !!!

25-06-2007, 21:01
sea side KENT ?

erm.. Dover ? Folkeston ? Sittingbourne ? Deal ? Ramsgate ? Margate ? Hastings ? Bexhill ?

did i miss one ? :)

25-06-2007, 21:03
Possibly Hastings or Brighton !

25-06-2007, 21:15
Ha! Ha! Ha!.. yep mist that one !!

hope it is nice for you :)

25-06-2007, 21:20
Thanks and me, it'll be good to have a break :)

25-06-2007, 21:33
yes it sure dose.. and dose a power of good to..

talking of which.. we should start getting a run planed for July.. after round 2.. we must get a posse up and bugger off some where for the day :)

25-06-2007, 21:40
Yes we must, sounds like a damn good idea that... not 22nd if at all possible though... mind you we have all of August too before R3

25-06-2007, 21:51
cool 15th or 29th June... and 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, July..

we could fit 2 to 3 runs in them six weeks.. weather permitting :)

25-06-2007, 22:11
Oh yes we could :D

25-06-2007, 22:29
erm.. done poll think ?

25-06-2007, 22:39
good idea :D

25-06-2007, 22:49
don't look like it's working... though

26-06-2007, 14:51
Suns shining' ride out sounds great, poll is done ;)

26-06-2007, 20:59
Had a lovely drive down here... no rain at all :D

26-06-2007, 21:52
i take it you are now in Kent ?

26-06-2007, 22:09
Yes... i am in Tonbridge !

26-06-2007, 23:14
not to bad down that way.. mind it's been a few good years since I've traveled them parts.. used to go to a place called Robertsbridge just out side Battle.. old gypsum plant.. late 80's spouse it's not there now ?