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View Full Version : <sigh>

08-05-2007, 08:11
Nodding Dogs has finally been caught by our proxy s/w as a hobby or recreational site, menaing I can no longer access it at work.

Thankfully, Sparkies is still being missed....hoorah.

08-05-2007, 08:18
not to bad then chaz....:)

08-05-2007, 08:39
Nodding Dogs has finally been caught by our proxy s/w as a hobby or recreational site, menaing I can no longer access it at work.

Thankfully, Sparkies is still being missed....hoorah.

In That case Chaz summat from there to keeo you amused ;)

http://www.top-mates.co.uk/cardpreview.aspx?i=__TFMF_tef5i5elo1yhezyczkowwzr5 _78a3b097-bf83-401c-92bb-a7012129e000_0___Selected.jpg&t=top%20moaner&tc=153000157&st=Ruby&o1t=Comedy%20Value&o1v=10&o2t=Attendance&o2v=1&o3t=Punctuality&o3v=1&o4t=Strength&o4v=4&o5t=Sickness&o5v=10

08-05-2007, 10:00
Oh no!

Another NDer that's missing in action.

Guess you'll have to join the night time crew, or stay here.

08-05-2007, 10:41
I'll stay here innit, the nite crew are just too weird ;)

08-05-2007, 11:03

Pity you can't access ND either...

08-05-2007, 21:49
try these http://anonymouse.org/ http://www.shadowbrowser.com/?pin=trial and http://www.freeproxy.ca/

Just type in the address you want to go to and you're good to go. If those three are blocked then let me know and I'll hook you up with a shedload more that I used to use in school. Well, before I got into the school security system anyways.

09-05-2007, 11:04
Ta Jay, bubt they are all restricted as well :)

09-05-2007, 18:18

access this outside work, and make a note of the ip's and try them as if they were an url. theres literally thousands of them