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View Full Version : Things that still don't work:

20-12-2008, 19:28
Here's a list of things that were proken when Sparky Slider moved to the new server.

I'll keep the list up to date as I fix them.

Uploading Photos Working (28/1)
The library code that creates the thumbnails isn't installed. Without that, it's not possible to upload any new images.

Captcha images for new registrations Working (28/1)
The images that verifies that registrations are from humans and not machine requires the same image library code. Watch out for spammers joining just to post urls to rubbish.

Missing Photos (all photos uploaded - 21/12)
Before the old site closed down, I didnt copy all of the images down.
I have uploaded all of the images I have, but there's only about half of them. Once I can get the rest from the old server I'll upload themIf you spot anything else that isn't working, please post on this thread, as I might not have spotted it in the rush to get the site going.


20-12-2008, 20:28
Slopp. Despite setting the home page as my default home page when I go online, it opens to the ND forum.

No real sweat, but why ?

20-12-2008, 20:34
Just a shot in the dark, but you may need to clear your cookies.

A cookie is a small file, one is stored when you click "remember me" near the password box.

If you did that last night before the DNS name was correct, the cookie might be defaulting to a different place.

Click Log Out and login again. That should do it.

Or edit the start page in Internet Options to just be http://sparkyslider.co.uk (nothing after it)

20-12-2008, 20:46
Sorted. Thanks.

22-12-2008, 09:28
Things that still don't work: Dodgy.

22-12-2008, 09:41
I cannot post.

28-01-2009, 01:16
Everything is finally back up and working now.

unless you know something