Hello ,This is just like throwing your hat into a strange room..... I'm monopod, I'm new (of course). I'm riding with a "handicap" (not the wife, 'cos she doesn't "do" biking.) I've only got one leg of my own, the other belongs to the NHS, which doesn't do much to commend it. I'm not gregarious, I'm a bit of an antisocial chap really.....lots of folks are put off by the "leg". Strangely, men are put off more than ladies, which suits me fine. The NABD got me mobile again, with a "Kliktronic" gear change, which is a really worthwhile gadget even if you can change gear with your foot. It's quicker than thought...( well my thoughts anyway.):o I like to spread the word about the National Society for Bikers with a Disability, 'cos they're doing a seriously good job for " physically challenged bikers." It's like a reprieve from a death sentence to bike again after an amputation, and that's no exaggeration. It just goes to show that there are some bloody "rough diamonds" out and about on two wheels.